Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog Tour: Stung By: Bethany Wiggins Guest Post, Review, and Giveaway!

Today I have an awesome guest post from Bethany Wiggins on the boundaries of writing young adult, my review, and of course an awesome giveaway,Enjoy!

Guest Post: YA Boundaries
First of all, thank you for having me on here! It is a huge honor. 

I write books that have killing, action, and lots of romantic tension. Some people even call STUNG a "Horror novel." But in reality, I am really careful about what I put into books for young adults because I know that I have a lot of influence over young readers. I bring the morals and values that I live in my daily life to my books. 

Here is how I measure what I write for a young adult audience. As I'm typing up the first draft of a story--say some steamy kissing scene--I ask myself, "Is this something my daughter (she's eleven) can read when she's twelve?" On that note, I won't put teenage sex into my books (unless they're married and it is off-page). Yes, I know many teenagers have sex. But that isn't a line I am willing to cross. That wouldn't be fair to my readers, my children, or myself to put it in there.

When I'm writing a violent fight scene, I ask myself the same thing . . . "Can my daughter read this?" If the answer is yes, then I know I'm all right. If the answer is no, I go back and rewrite it, keeping the same feeling and action, but toning it down. 

For instance, I won't ever put a fight scene into a book where someone gets stabbed in his/her stomach and his/her guts squirt out, and there's blood everywhere, and he/she starts foaming blood at the mouth. That's disgusting! But I will put scenes in where someone gets stabbed.

That being said, I think the most important thing a young person can see in YA books are characters who are not perfect, who make mistakes, learn from them, grow from them, and then grow stronger. 

Title: Stung
Author: Bethany Wiggins
Published: April 2nd, 2013
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Summary:

There is no cure for being stung.

Fiona doesn’t remember going to sleep. But when she opens her eyes, she discovers her entire world has been altered—her house is abandoned and broken, and the entire neighborhood is barren and dead. Even stranger is the tattoo on her right hand—a black oval with five marks on either side—that she doesn’t remember getting but somehow knows she must cover at any cost. She’s right.

Those bearing the tattoo have turned into mindless, violent beasts that roam the streets and sewers, preying upon the unbranded while a select few live protected inside a fortress-like wall, their lives devoted to rebuilding society and killing all who bear the mark.

Now Fiona has awakened branded, alone—and on the wrong side of the wall.

My Thoughts:

Wow! I had no idea what to expect when I started reading this book but, I completely  enjoyed this book and it was one wild ride full of romance and suspense. Wiggins creates a completely  interesting and believable future world and it didn't seem farfetched or crazy that something like this could happen  (you never know right) If you are a dystopian fan then you will really enjoy  this one!  

The plot of this book was just awesome! Fiona our main character wakes up in the same house she has always grown up in but, things are different, her family is nowhere to be found and she does not look like she is 13 years old like she remembers. Her house looks dusty and like it hasn't  been lived in for years. Fiona can't remember anything and to top it all off she has a weird tattoo on her hand. Little does she know the world is nothing like she remember and she is going to be the one to change ever ything.  Along with the help of a few friends a boy she grew up living next door to, they embark on a journey full of romance and adventure.   
Fiona was such a strong main character, I could not imagine having to face this new world she is facing without understanding anything or remembering anything that happened. But, she doesn't crumble completely under the confusion of what her life is like along with running for her life. I also loved her romance with her former next door neighbor Bowen, who also gave up  everything he has ever known to save Fiona even if she may be dangerous to him in the end of it all.

Overall, I loved this book. It was so much fun to read and learn about this world along with  Fiona, at times I was a bit confused but  so was Fiona so, everything didn't come out right away but it didn't disappoint me because Fiona didn't understand everything either. If you love dystopian that is full of adventure  then Stung is right up your alley! 

Find Bethany: Website | Goodreads | Twitter Find Stung: GoodreadsBarnes and Noble | Amazon | The Book Depository | IndieBound

About the Author

Bethany Wiggins has always been an avid reader, but not an avid writer.  She failed ninth grade English because she read novels instead of doing her homework. In high school, she sat alone at lunch and read massive hardback fantasy novels (Tad Williams and Robert Jordan anyone?). It wasn't until the end of her senior year that the other students realized she was reading fiction--not the Bible.

Once upon a time, Bethany's sister dared her to start writing an hour a day until she completed a novel. Bethany wrote a seven-hundred page fantasy novel that she wisely let no one read--but it taught her how to write.  She is the author of SHIFTING, STUNG (April 2013), and CURED (2014).

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I didn't know anything about this book -- sounds really interesting. Thanks for a great review and guest post!

    You can find me here: Jen @ YA Romantics

  2. I'm so glad you liked this book! I just got it for my kindle and I've been reading some great reviews. I'm just dying to read it! :) Great review!

  3. I haven't read Stung but it sounds like an interesting concept. This is the first I've heard of this book and it looks really interesting :)

  4. I wasn't very interested in this book, but I'll definitely have to check it out now. The main character sounds great, too. Amazing review!

  5. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    I LOVE Bethany Wiggins!! Shifting was so good, and her scifi looks equally unique!

    Thank you:)

  6. OMG~! This book was AMAZING!!! I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! It was that good! Bethany takes us on an AMAZING ride! When I was finish I want to SCREAM because I wanted MORE!!!!!! I love this book and can't wait until Januray 2014 for the next book in the series release! Thanks 4 the giveaway! :)

  7. The cover scares me a little (I'm afraid of bees), but the book sounds interesting :)
    Thanks for the review!

  8. Thank you for being on the blog tour!!! Your review is AWESOME!

  9. Awesome guest post. Good review. I haven't read the book but am itching to do so. Thanks for the chance.

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